Several years ago my sister and I were shopping for handbags. She talked me into purchasing a designer bag under the pretense that it would last longer and be a better value. It was. However, shortly after leaving the store she started calling me Mrs. Snootypurse and the name has stuck.
I worked my way through college in a AAA office as an auto travel counselor. I enjoyed helping people plan their trips and especially liked the deals that we got as travel industry insiders. I was able to stay at the Empress Hotel and the Jasper Park Lodge for only $35/night CDN! And this was back when the USD was worth $1.35 CDN!
I haven't come across a bargain like that in quite a while but I haven't stopped trying. My continuing quest is to stay in great hotels for bargain rates. Hence... The Frugal Snootypurse.
Friday, May 21, 2010
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