Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's hot!

Dubrovnik has been surrounded by stone walls since the 15th century. Today these walls are the city's premier tourist attraction. It's about a 2km circuit with ups and downs as you make your way around the city. The views are stunning of the Adriatic sea, the town itself, and the surrounding hillside. If you look closely, you will see collapsed buildings still not rebuilt following the Serbian siege of 1991-1992.

Unfortunately the weather has been quite hot and humid so the trek just about did me in. We cooled off at our hotel and tried Bosnian food for the first time in a shaded alley with a refreshing breeze. The restaurant was called the Taj Mahal. Go figure... We also visited the Franciscan monastery/pharmacy which had lots of trees and was cool and tranquil.

The hot weather has been a shock for us as we were still waiting for summer when we left Oregon. I have a feeling it may be like this until we get to Scotland. Perhaps we'll get a break in the alps...

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  1. Why aren't you going snorkeling in that beautiful little protected area in your second photo? How BEAUTIFUL!

    Still cold & lousy here.

  2. Hi! This blog thing is so cool. I love the pics too - they all look like postcards! - B

  3. Pretty!

    You'll have to let us know what 'Bosnian food' is like when you get back!

  4. Mr. Snootypurse, as usual, is the official trip photographer. I will pass along your appreciation for his pics! Mr. also went swimming yesterday in the Adriatic. Said he didn't see many fishies.
